
Remember God Your Heart Will Be Calm

 Remember God Your Heart Will Be Calm

"In the remembrance of Allah, the heart is calm"

Honesty is the love of God. Alignment is a heart-washing soap. Experience is proof. And a guide person will not lie to his entourage. There is no work that is more comforting and more meritorious than the remembrance of Allah.

{Therefore, remember to me I will remember you.} (Surah Al-Baqarah: 152)
Remembering to Allah is God's heaven on earth. So, whoever never enters it, he can not enter His heaven in the Hereafter. Dhikr to Allah is the savior of the souls of the troublemakers, anxiety, annoyance and shaking. And dhikr is the easiest way to achieve ultimate victory and happiness. To see the feathers and benefits of dhikr, try to re-note some messages of divine revelation. And try to practice it on your days, surely you will get healing.

By dhikr to Allah, clouds of fear, turmoil, anxiety and sadness will disappear. even, by dhikr to Him a mountain of life loads and life problems will collapse by itself.

Not surprisingly, the people who always remember Allah are always happy and peaceful life. That's what should have happened. As to the astonishment of how the people who neglect of the dhikr to Allah worship the idols of the world. Be it,

{(Idols) are dead not alive and they do not know when their worshipers will be resurrected.} (Surah an-Nahl: 21)

O people who complain of sleeplessness, who weep because of sickness, who grieve for a tragedy, and who mourn for a disaster, call upon His holy name! However,

{Do you know that there is one who is equal to Him? "(QS.Maryam: 65)

The more you remember God, the more open your mind will be, the more peaceful your heart will be, the happier you become, the more peaceful your soul will be. That is, because in remembrance of God contained the values ​​of the stewardship to Him, full confidence in Him, dependence only on Him, submission to Him, be kind to Him, and hope of happiness from Him. He always asks if he is begged. Humble and subdue yourself before Him, then repeatedly call his beautiful and blessed name with your tongue as the embodiment of your prayer, praise, prayer, supplication and forgiveness to Him.

That way, undoubtedly you - thanks to strength and help from Him - will gain happiness, serenity, tranquility, light and joy.

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