The human body has hundreds of bones each associated with the joints. The number of joints in the human body is 360, as mentioned by Rasulullah SAW and justified by the doctors. We can not imagine what if the bones in our body are not connected to the joints. Or one of the joints can not function properly. So, no one knows how great this favors unless the person who has lost the favor.
alms without treasure
Every day, our joints have an obligation to alms as the realization of our gratitude to God, the Essence who has created it. the way as diverse as mentioned by Rasulullah SAW,
"Every human joint is obliged to bershadaqah every day since the sun rises Separating (settling things) between two people who disagree is sustenance. Help someone climbed on his vehicle or lifted his goods on his vehicle is sustenance .Said good words also include alms. Similarly, every step to perform the prayer is alms, and to get rid of an obstacle from the road is alms. " (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
So heavy and tired if we have to do various charities every day. So the comrade asked, "Who can do, O Messenger of sustenance ?" So he replied, "If he can not afford it, then the two Duha are sufficient." (Ahmad Abu Dawud)
Rasulullah SAW gives convenience to his people, that all alms done by these limbs can be replaced with two rakats Duha prayer, because prayer is the practice of all limbs. If a person does the prayer, each member of the body performs its own functions. Thus the explanation mentioned by Ibn Daqiqil 'Ied.
The minimum number of Duha rakats is 2rakats, while the maximum is 8 rakats . By carrying out 2 rakats Duha, we have performed one of the Prophet's wills. Abu Hurairah said, "My beloved, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) has three testimonies: fasting for three days each month, two Duha ritual prayers, and doing witr prayer before I sleep." (Muttafaq 'Alaihi)
The virtue of duha prayer
Although worth a sunnah, this prayer contains a lot of virtue, but not many of us notice it. Among them as Abu Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: "Allah says:" O son of Adam, pray for me four rakats at the beginning of the day, then I will provide for you in the evening. " Tarmidzi)
At Thayyibi explains that by working on four rakats in the morning, God will provide for our needs and keep us from all that we do not want until the afternoon. virtue others, the people who do it included in the group of people who return to God. Because the Duha prayer is the awwabin prayer, the prayer of those who return to Allah (repent). In another hadith the Messenger of Allah (SAW) mentions that the reward of the one who performs the Duha prayer is like the one who does Umrah.
Become rich with duha prayer?
There are among the Muslims who are so eager to do duha prayer. But ironically when they perform obligatory prayers, just lazy and just to abort the obligation only. Prayers at dawn are done at six o'clock in the morning and salat prayers only if only time. The reason, there are other goals when they do it is to get a reply in the world, let smoothly sustenance and become a rich person. So the prayers that crave only with smooth sustenance. Thus the phenomenon that we often get in the community. The world, they may earn. It may become more fluent sustenance and his career continues to increase. But what do they gain in the afterlife? When he interprets the letter of Hud: 15-16, he says, "Whoso the world is his goal, the world which he has always sought with his righteous deeds, then Allah will give him good in the world, but when in the Hereafter he will not obtain goodness as a reason for him, and a sincere believer in worship (who only expects the face of Allah), in addition to getting a reward in the world he will also get his return in the hereafter. "
spare your time
The time of the Duha prayer is when the sun begins to rise, approximately a quarter of an hour after sunrise until the zawal time (the sun slips). And the most afdhal time is when the sun gets hot.
Indeed, it is not easy to perform the Duha prayer. Because the time coincides with the hours of the start of daily activities, people are busy working for rezki at that time. However, as narrow as any of our time because of daily activities, if we take a moment to do the Duha prayer, God willing will not reduce the sustenance allocation that has been determined for us. If taking time at that time is not possible anyway, because the company regulations are so tight and binding, Duha prayer can we do before going to work hours. Well, let's start our work by performing Duha prayer.