This is the first sign from God to his servant, and will only be realized by those who wished. However despite all the Muslims will have these signs, only whether they realize it or not. These signs will normally apply after the time of Asar (evening). The whole body, from head to toe will experience the thrill, as if shivering. Examples of newly slaughtered beef, which, if observed carefully we will find the meat seemed to vibrate. It feels good sign, and for those who are aware and beating in his heart that this might be the sign of the death of this vibration will stop and disappear once aware of the presence of this sign. For those who were not given their awareness or drift with pleasure without thinking about death, this sign will disappear without any benefit. For those who are aware of the presence of these signs then it is best to take advantage of the opportunities that exist to prepare the deed and the matters to be taken or left behind after death.
2. signs 40 Days Before the death day.
This sign will also take place after the Asar (evening). The central belly section (stomach) we will throb. On when these leaves are written the name we will fall from the tree that is located on top of Arash Allah swt. Then the angel of death will take the leaves and began to make up supplies which that he will start to follow us all the time. the Angel of death will show a glimpse of his face and if this happens, those who elected it will feel as if puzzled at once. The angel of death is his form just one, but its power to take a life is the same with the number of lives that will be revoked.
3. signs 7 Days.
The sign will be given only to those who were tested with the misfortune hospital where sick people who do not eat all of a sudden he's mood to eat.
4. signs 3 Days.
At this time it will feel throbbing in the middle of our forehead portion that is between the right and left forehead. If this sign is known / understood then we recommended to fasted, after that, our stomach will not contain many unclean and makes it easier for people that will bathe us later. when This is also our eyes blackened and our eyes are not going to shine again for the sick and the nose will slowly go down, and it can be known if we look from the side portion. ears will shrink when the tip portion will gradually get into. soles of feet which will slowly fall forward and difficult to enforce.
5. signs1 day.
Will apply after Asar time (evening) where we will feel a throbbing in the back, is in a portion of the corner of head where it will indicates that we will not have time to meet the next day Asar.
6.signs end.
Will apply in circumstances where we would feel a cold in the stomach, and It was going down to the waist and so on will go up to the air holes. When we in this section, we should continue to give sentence Shahadah and sit back and await the arrival of the angel of death to take us back to God who had turned on us and now will shut down anyway.
should, let us be cautious and pray to God and I hope we are among those chosen by God to be made aware to be sensitive to signs of death; hopefully we can make final preparations in an effort to beg forgiveness from Allah SWT and from the man himself, from all sin and affairs of our accounts payable. However, according to the nature of Allah Almighty again Gracious, Most Gracious, so it is told that the death of one man can still be changed by the prayer, both from our own prayers and from the prayers of others. But this is the decree of Allah Almighty alone.Therefore let us jointly strive and pray that we are given guidance and instruction by God as well as leisure time and health / body and mind in our efforts to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT in this world and hereafter.What is good and true is from Allah SWT and what is wrong it is the weakness of the man himself. WALLAHUA'LAM