
Reveals the Mystery and the Enormity of Excess Surah Al-Ikhlas

Reveals the Mystery and the Enormity of Excess Surah Al-Ikhlas

ONE of the shortest letters in the Qur'an and has a very powerful and wisdom is the letter of Al-Ikhlas. The virtue of the letter has been explained by the scholars and arifbillah through the oral prophet SAW. Not a few hadiths and atsars that decipher the specific advantages and pearls of wisdom behind the four verses of Al-Ikhlas letter.

Among the hadiths of the Prophet SAW who discussed it, it reads: "Is one of you unable to read a third of the Qur'an overnight?" They replied, "How can we read a third of the Qur'an?" Then the Prophet SAW said, "Qul huwallahu ahad is comparable to one-third of the Qur'an." (Muslim HR No. 1922)

Based on the above hadith mentions once read Al-Ikhlas able to rival reward as reading a third of the Qur'an. Imagine if we read more once.

Meanwhile, on another occasion the Prophet SAW mentioned the letter of Al-Ikhlas or Qulhu it became the antidote to all diseases, as never mentioned from Abu Hurairah; Rasulullah SAW said: "Surah Al Ikhlas is the antidote to all sickness (Spiritual or Physical)." (HR: Ibn Majah r.a.)

Another advantage of the letter of Al-Ikhlas is as the word of the Prophet SAW, reads "Who reads Al-Ikhlas 11 times, Allah will provide for him a beautiful palace in heaven."

In another hadith the Prophet SAW said, "who recite Surah Al-Ikhlas at the burial as much as 11 times, then rewarded reward to the grave expert, will be given to the reader of the reward as much as the number of tomb experts there. " Rasulullah SAW said:" Whoever recites the Surah Al-Ikhlas eleven times every Fajr prayer then he will be guarded from sinfulness during the day. "
Read the Surah Al-Ikhlas and 'Al-Mu'awwidzatain' 3 times at dawn and asar, InshaAllah then we will survive the distress so that it comes dawn and the next asar.

Another mention of Al-Ikhlas's letter is that whoever reads in the prayers of circumcision dhuha,
آية الكرسى  times x 10, at the first rakaah and Surah Al-Ikhlas 10 at rakaat second, get Allah's pleasure and insyallah there is sustenance on that day. One of the other secrets for the treatment with the short letter read the letter of Al-Ikhlas 11 times and blown on the neck of a stubborn person to soften their hearts.

It is narrated in the book of Syamsul Ma'arif Al-Qubra (Shaykh Ahmad Albuuny). It is said that actually Sheikh Abdul Wahid Al-Andalusy looking for Tariqat Riyadhah letter of Al-Ikhlas this in a long time. Travel took time for several years he left for the land of the Egyptian Pyramids from the Maghreb (Morocco) to Egypt, he arrived to the blessed earth in the peninsula of the Arabian peninsula of Madinah Al-Munawwarah.

Shaykh Abdul Wahid in his scientific journey, he settled in Medina for a period of one year. But his goal was not reached until he met a prominent cleric named Shaykh Abdus Shamad Al-Khawarizmi. Sheikh Abdul Wahid Al-Andalusy befriended the Sheikh for several years.

During his friendship and association never Shaykh Abdul Wahid expressed his desire to obtain a gem named "Riyadhah Al-Ikhlas", came one day the Sheikh was talking about Riyadhah which is done by some Aulia in his mother. Long story short he obtained and get the gem through a very tiring and winding struggle. Riyadhah is a specific practice of the letter of Al-Ikhlas with its own terms and methods.

Surah Al-Ikhlas Redeemer Of Hellfire

Mentioned in the book of Khazinatul Asrar: "Al-Faqir said (may Allah free him from hell Shaykh): I saw a Shaykh in the Grand Mosque in Ramadan in 1261 reading Al-Ikhlas letters next to the door of Dawudiyyah night and day every month Then I kissed his hand and said: O my Lord I see you every day reading the letter of Ikhlas, tell me about the usefulness and secret, then he replied: I want to free my body from hell, my son, and he raises his hand to his neck.

I said: give me a diploma, then he certify me and give me permission and mendo'akan barakah. May Allah help you to read it 1,000 times. And this is a certificate through writing for people who want to read it. May Allah give us a bar and open his grace. May Allah make us a member of the survivors because of the glory of Surah Al-Ikhlas (Book of Khaziinatul Asrar, page 159, Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad Haqqin Nazili).

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