
Be Your Self

Be Your Self

The more mature, we will realize the hardest thing to do that is when to be yourself. There are so many powers and roles we must play. Until sometimes we forget how it feels to be yourself.Even the people around us always wear a mask. Some are even willing to humble themselves for sympathy. Some people have the heart to sacrifice others to be praised. Someone feels that everything can not have any power or ability.

Pretending That's Tiring

 Pretend to feel okay there are heavy ones. Wearing masks of others to be flattered or praised. Pretend to smile in front of people we do not like. Wear a smiling facial mask in front of people who have hurt us. Pretending it was very tiring. And life is too short to spend just to be someone else.

Sorry, I'm Not A Smart Woman Looking for Sympathy

 What makes us ourselves? One reason is that we are afraid of being hated. We fear being hated and shunned when showing true identity. We are not confident with everything we have. Until finally we are willing to wear masks to be the same or uniform with others. And not everyone can dare to be yourself and away from sympathy.

We Are Hard To Be Happy If Everything Is Forced

 Feeling difficult happy and comfortable every thing, maybe one cause is because we do everything with certainty. Forced to be someone else. Forced to use masks to be accepted in the environment.
It's different when we can do the things we like in our own way. There is an irreplaceable satisfaction and happiness. It can even make life more exciting and fun. If in a fast way, hard to be sure to live happily.

But sometimes life is full of surprises and mysteries alone. There are many things that happen beyond our power. Until finally we want to want to mask to get attention and help. See the conditions or problems that you are facing right now, try to remain so yourself, Ladies. Difficult indeed but with so life will feel louder, is not it?

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