
Love Your Child forever

Love Your Child forever

In time the children will leave, leaving us, lonely ... 
They are scattered on the earth to carry out their life's duties; scattered, far apart. Some of them may choose to work and live near us to be gracious to us. They give up some of the opportunities to reach the world because they want to achieve the glory of the afterlife by accompanying and serving us. But in time, we too will leave them. I do not know when. Go and never come back to this world.

Part of death is real separation; separated and never again gathered in a loving affection. Parents and children only meet before the Court of God Ta'ala, mutually become enemies of each other, dropping each other. Children who fall into hell will not accept themselves dumped, demanding the responsibility of parents who have neglected their duty to teach religion.

Is that including us? What a great loss in the day if children and parents demand each other before the Court of God

This is the day when we can not hire lawyers, and lawyers can not defend themselves. Then what have we prepared to deliver the children home to the next home?And this world is the field.

Part of the death was a momentary separation; very long time we feel in the world, but very short for the dead. They parted ways to be reassembled by Allah Jalla wa 'Ala. Their charity levels may not be comparable. But Allah Ta'ala mutually pleads between them to his higher charity.

Allah Ta'ala says:

"والذين آمنوا واتبعتهم ذريتهم بإيمان ألحقنا بهم ذريتهم وما ألتناهم من عملهم من شيء كل امرئ بما كسب رهين" 
"And those who believe and whose descendants follow them in the faith, We connect their offspring with them, and We have not lessened any of their reward. Every man is bound by what he does. "(Surah Ath-Thuur, 52: 21).

Quietly asked, are we one of these? Mutually proposed to a higher charity. Including us?
Do we really love our children? We rub our children when they are sick. We weep them when hurt. But do we also fear their destiny in the afterlife? We are busy preparing for their future. If necessary we are tired. But do we apply the same for their real "future" in the afterlife?

Take a look at your son. Look at his face. Are you willing to let his face ignite the fire until it blisteres his skin? 

Remember for a moment when you're worried about seeing them quarrel with their siblings. Do you imagine he quarreled with you before the Court of Allah Ta'ala for failing to instill tawheed in him? There is a definite day when there is no option to return. Is there a time when we are proposed to each other in heaven or in a conflict?

So, love your son forever! Not just for his life in the world. Love them wholeheartedly for a time when there is nothing to help us except the help of Allah Almighty. Love them with the hope that not just together when the world, more than that can gather together in heaven. Love them while trying to get them to gain glory, not just for his career in a momentary world. More than that for his glory in a much longer period. An endless period. *

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