
Relieve mistake With taubah and Istighfar

What is Sin and how to eliminate it. The Christian with his redemptive teachings believes that the sin of man has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus on the cross. Man is too dirty and can not eliminate it with his own strength, only Jesus can redeem all mistakes. But Islam does not teach the concept of penance but Islam teaches sin can be eliminated by repentance. God created man not only to remember all his physical abilities but also be equipped with spiritual power, including when he sinned man has actually been given the ability to rise, repent and redeem it better.

Relieve mistake With taubah and Istighfar

The nature of sin is not that God created sin and then after thousands of years only thought of Him for the forgiveness of sins, no; But since a fly has two wings, on one wing there is an antidote and beside it there is poison, so also in man there are two 'wings' one wing of immorality and other regret wings.

Penance is a testament to feelings of regret. It is a general rule that if someone attacks others then he will regret and feel guilty, as if his two wings are flapping together, that is, when the poison in action has an antidote. Now the question is why sin was made, why humans were not created just to be holy all flawless like the minds of Christians. The answer is though it is poisonous but because there is an infringing nature in it, it has the function of being a bidder. Toxins are also then through the process it will serve as a medicine. From the poison like that many mixed into drugs. From mistakes one can learn to be a stronger and more vigilant person.

If there is no sin there will be another poison, a poison of pride that will destroy mankind. So repentance will serve to eliminate it. Penance will save people from the dangers of arrogance and show off.

Repent By Raising Istighfar

As believers we must reproduce istighfar and repentance to God. If one wing has flapped, then we have been warned to return to God for mercy, and then correct his mistake by not repeating it and replacing it with a new kindness. If Your Majesty, the Prophet (s) is still at least 70 times a day, then we must do more. Repentance does not mean it only applies to the person who at that time commits a sin, but repentance also applies to every condition as a barrier to potential sin that may occur later. He will be the protector, that we who recognize sin as sin then he will be more careful to stay away from sin.

If we sincerely weep for God's forgiveness, then God with his forgiveness nature will forgive us. Someone who continues to istighfar then his heart will see the sin as a disgust and he does not want to approach it.

Naturally Muslims have been implanted with contempt for pork, while thousands of other dirty deeds are still committed. So the wisdom is that God has given an example of disgust and disgust about the pork, and that taste must be planted for every sin. And it can be done by repentance and reproduction of istighfar.

If in man has been embedded in hatred of sin and then swung his steps to repair himself, then over time all evil will stay away.

Rest assured that in repentance there are many fruits. This is a source of blessing. Essentially the saints and the pious are the ones who repent and then they continue to istiqomah in repentance.

Therefore we must increase our repentance so that our charity brings ridho from our Owners. Remember that the punishment for our guilt of faith will be decided in the afterlife, the decision to become Hindu or Christian or to be Muslim. But those who persecute sinners and transgressions will also be punished in this world.

The following words of the Prophet may make us servants who repent and mend themselves.

"God prefers a repentant than a man who thirst finds water, barren then has that child, and the lost man then finds his way, and whoever repents to God with good repentance, then God forgets the two angels who oversee the charity (Rakib and Atid), all his limbs, and the place on the ground (the grave) against the mistakes of the repentant and his sin. "(Narrated by Ibn Abbas)

May Allah accept it

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