
Menderita Insomnia pada akhir Kehamilan

Enam puluh empat persen wanita menderita insomnia pada akhir kehamilan

Sebuah studi yang dipimpin oleh University of Granada, di mana Andalusia Health Service (SAS) dan peneliti dari Universitas Jaen telah mengambil bagian, mengungkapkan bahwa 64% wanita hamil menderita insomnia pada trimester ketiga kehamilan. Angka ini sepuluh kali lebih tinggi dari pada wanita yang menderita insomnia sebelum kehamilan (6%).

Studi penelitian baru-baru ini diterbitkan di European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 486 wanita hamil sehat dari Granada, Jaen, Huelva dan Sevilla yang pernah menghadiri Pelayanan Kesehatan Andalusia (SAS) sebelum minggu ke 14 kehamilan (trimester pertama) berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Efek kehamilan pada wanita ini dipantau sepanjang tiga trimester.

Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 44% wanita hamil menderita insomnia pada trimester pertama kehamilan, yang meningkat menjadi 46% pada trimester kedua dan 64% pada trimester ketiga. Ini adalah angka yang sangat tinggi yang, menurut penulis penelitian, membenarkan perlunya "pendekatan sistematis terhadap masalah ini."

Dr. María del Carmen Amezcua Prieto, salah satu peneliti di balik studi tersebut dan seorang dosen di Departemen Pengobatan Pencegahan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Granada, menjelaskan bahwa: "Meskipun diketahui bahwa masalah tidur yang ada sebelumnya memburuk dan Masalah baru sering muncul selama kehamilan, ada kecenderungan untuk mengasumsikan bahwa kesulitan yang berhubungan dengan tidur dan mempertahankan tidur restoratif adalah fenomena karakteristik kehamilan dan itu harus dialami. "

Namun, Dr. Amezcua Prieto menunjukkan bahwa: "Ini mungkin terjadi karena sistem kesehatan tidak memberi perhatian penting pada masalah selama pemantauan kehamilan, sampai pada titik di mana Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) bahkan tidak membahas masalah tidur. dalam pedomannya untuk memberikan perawatan pada wanita hamil. "

Masalah yang berhubungan dengan insomnia

Insomnia menyebabkan banyak masalah. Ini mempengaruhi kualitas hidup wanita hamil, yang selain penting, juga merupakan faktor risiko tekanan darah tinggi dan preeklampsia, diabetes gestasional, depresi, kelahiran prematur dan operasi caesar yang tidak direncanakan. Akibatnya, masalah harus ditangani secara sistematis.

María del Rosario Román Gálvez, salah satu peneliti lain di balik proyek ambisius ini, memperingatkan bahwa setiap aspek dari tidur malam hari dan dampaknya pada fungsi siang hari harus ditangani untuk mempelajari insomnia secara efektif.

"Hasil penelitian kami menunjukkan perubahan signifikan dalam fragmentasi tidur (saat wanita terbangun di malam hari dan berapa lama mereka terjaga), serta mengantuk di siang hari. Hal ini juga menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi dan intensitas fragmentasi tidur terus meningkat. Saat kehamilan berlangsung, kehamilan juga mempersulit induksi tidur (waktu yang dibutuhkan seseorang untuk tertidur) dan durasi tidur. Penting untuk mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek ini untuk mengatasi masalah dengan menggunakan perawatan non-farmakologis. Peneliti UGR mencatat.

Faktor yang terkait dengan insomnia juga dianalisis sebagai bagian dari proyek. Prof. Aurora Bueno Cavanillas menyoroti bahwa: "Meskipun mungkin tampak jelas, faktor yang paling penting adalah insomnia pra-gestasional, mengingat hal itu penting untuk pencegahan dan menggarisbawahi pentingnya mendeteksi insomnia sebelum kehamilan dan sepanjang semua tahap itu." Studi tersebut juga mengungkapkan bahwa faktor lain, seperti obesitas dan apakah wanita tersebut sudah memiliki anak atau tidak, dapat berdampak pada pola tidur.

Terakhir, penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa latihan reguler latihan fisik moderat atau intens selama kehamilan melindungi wanita terhadap insomnia yang berhubungan dengan kehamilan, "jadi ini adalah alasan lain untuk mempromosikan aktivitas fisik selama kehamilan".


Don't Be Like Crab Motivation

Perhaps many know the form of crabs, but not many know the nature of the crab. Hopefully you do not have the nature of a spiteful crab.

That crab is small but taste delicious. The crabs were easily captured at night, then put in a basin / container, unattached.

The next day, these crabs will be boiled and then eaten for side dishes for several days. The most interesting of these habits, the crabs will always try to get out of the basin, as hard as they can, using its powerful claws.

But a reliable crab catcher is always calm even though his hunt always tries to escape.

The recipe is only one, the hunter knows very well the nature of the crab.

If there was a crab that almost escaped from the basin, his friends would pull him back to the bottom.
If anything else rises quickly into the mouth of the basin, again his friend will pull him down ... and so on until finally no one gets out.

The next day the hunter just boiled them all and died a host of that spiteful crab.

Similarly in this life ...
without even knowing we sometimes become like the crabs.

Who should be happy if our friends or relatives experience success we even suspect, lest the success was achieved with a path that is not true.

Especially in the business or other things that contain elements of competition,

the nature of envy, envy, or hypocrisy will be more real and if we do not immediately realize we have unconsciously killed ourselves.

Success will come if we can realize that in business or important competition is not who wins, but more importantly how far we can develop ourselves completely.

If we grow, we may either win or lose the competition, but we certainly win in this life.

Some sign that someone is a 'crab':

  1. Always remember the mistakes of outsiders (can other people or situations) that are past and make it a principle / guide in acting
  2. Many criticize but no change
  3. Hobbies talk about the weaknesses of others but do not know the weakness of himself so he just busy pulling crabs that will come out of the basin and forget the escape business himself.

If we thought, would not it be better if the crabs helped each other out of the basin?
but well ... it takes a big soul to do it ...
Think about how much time you spend thinking about winning ways. In social life, business, school, or religion.
And change that time to think of ways to develop yourself into a healthy and successful person.

12 Criteria for Muslimah Clothing

12 Criteria for Muslimah Clothing
How much we see today, women dressed in muslimah, but still in a tight state. Sometimes that is closed only the head, but there are wearing short sleeves. There are also just cover the head with a mini veil. Please note that Muslim clothing has been outlined in the Qur'an and Al Hadith, so we must follow the guidance. What is discussed this time is not just the form of hijab, but how the overall clothing criteria.

The first requirement: women's clothing should cover the whole body except the face and palms. Remember, in addition to these two body parts must be covered, including the sole of the foot because it includes aurat.

Allah Ta'ala said,

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُلْ لِأَزْوَاجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَاءِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلَابِيبِهِنَّ ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَنْ يُعْرَفْنَ فَلَا يُؤْذَيْنَ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَحِيمًا

O Prophet, say to your wives, daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them bring their veil to their whole body ". That is so that they are easier to recognize, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful. (Surah Al Ahzab [33]: 59). 
The hijab is not a covering, but the hijab is the cloth worn by women after wearing khimar. While khimar is head covering.

Allah Ta'ala also said,

وَقُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنَاتِ يَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِنَّ وَيَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوجَهُنَّ وَلَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا

"Say to the believing woman:" Let them restrain their sight, and their cock, and do not show their jewelry, except that (is) visible from it. "(Surah An Nuur [24]: 31).
Based on the interpretations of Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar, Atho 'bin Abi Robbah, and Mahkul Ad Dimasqiy that may be displayed are the face and the two palms.

Second condition: not clothing to decorate as many decorated with colorful or colorful drawings, or accompanied by images of animate beings, let alone the picture symbol of political parties! The last one can even cause division among the Muslims.

Allah Ta'ala said,

وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ وَلَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ الْأُولَى

"And ye shall remain in your house, and be not tabaruj as the first jahiliyyah." (Surat al Ahzab: 33)
Tabarruj is a woman's behavior that shows her jewelry and beauty and everything that should be closed because it can tempt men.

Remember that the purpose of the command to wear the headscarf is to cover women's jewelry. Thus, it does not make sense if the veil that serves to cover women's jewelry instead becomes a dress for the ornamental as we often find.

The third condition: the clothes are not thin and not see-through that can reveal the shape of curves. Moslem clothes should also be loose and not tight so as not to describe the shape of the curve of the body.

In a hadith shohih, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Two factions of the inhabitants of hell that I have never seen, namely: A people who have whips, like cow tails to beat people and women dressed but naked, waddle, their heads like a crooked camel's hump, such a woman will not go to heaven and will not smell it, even if the smell smells during this trip and this. "(HR.Muslim)

Ibn 'Abdil Barr rahimahullah says, "The meaning of kasiyatun' ariyatun is the women who wear thin clothes so as to describe his body shape, the clothes are not yet covered (the limbs that must be covered completely). They are indeed dressed, but in essence they are naked. "(Jilbab Al Mar'ah Al Muslimah, 125-126)

Observe, from here we can judge whether the hijab is a thin and tight veil that worn many female students and mothers around us and even the artists are shari'ah or not.

The fourth requirement: no fragrance or perfume. From Abu Musa Al Asy'ary that he said, the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam said,

أَيُّمَا امْرَأَةٍ اسْتَعْطَرَتْ فَمَرَّتْ عَلَى قَوْمٍ لِيَجِدُوا مِنْ رِيحِهَا فَهِيَ زَانِيَةٌ
"Any woman who uses perfumes, then passes men to get the smell, then she is an adulteress woman." (Narrated by An Nasa'i, Abu Daud, Tirmidhi and Ahmad, Shaykh Al-Albani in Shohihul Jami 'no.323 says that this hadith is shohih). Look at this harsh threat!
Fifth requirement: it should not resemble a man's or non-Muslim clothes.
From Ibn'Abbas radhiyallahu 'anhu said,

لَعَنَ النَّبِىُّ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – الْمُخَنَّثِينَ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ ، وَالْمُتَرَجِّلاَتِ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ
"The Messenger of Allah cursed men who resembled women and women who resembled men." (Narrated by Bukhari 6834)
It's crushing our hearts, how today's women in droves seize the many types of men's clothing. Almost no type of men's clothing except women are free to wear it, so sometimes someone can not distinguish again, which men and women wearing pants.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

مَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْمٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ
"Whoever resembles a clan, then he a part by them" (Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawud, Shaykh Islam in Iqtidho 'says that this hadith is good)
How sad this heart to see women today are so enthusiastic menggandrungi fashion western fashion through magazines, television, and photos cosmetics artists and movie stars. Laa haula walaa quwwata illa billah.

The sixth requirement: not clothing to seek fame or popularity (read: syuhroh clothes). From Abdullah bin 'Umar, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,

مَنْ لَبِسَ ثَوْبَ شُهْرَةٍ فِى الدُّنْيَا أَلْبَسَهُ اللَّهُ ثَوْبَ مَذَلَّةٍ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ ثُمَّ أَلْهَبَ فِيهِ نَارًا
"Whoever wore the clothing of the Shuhroh in the world, Allah will wear the clothes of disgrace upon him on the Day of Resurrection, then burn it with the Fire of Hell." (Narrated by Abu Daud and Ibn Majah, Shaykh Al-Albani says this hadeeth hasan)
Syuhroh clothes here can be the most luxurious clothes or clothing the most curly or seedy so it looks as a person who zuhud. Sometimes also the meaning of clothing syuhroh is different clothes with clothes commonly used in the country and not used in that era. All these syuhroh clothes are forbidden.

The seventh requirement: the clothing is free from the cross. From Diqroh Ummu Abdirrahman bin Udzainah, he said,

نَّا نَطُوفُ بِالْبَيْتِ مَعَ أُمِّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فَرَأَتْ عَلَى امْرَأَةٍ بُرْداً فِيهِ تَصْلِيبٌ فَقَالَتْ أُمُّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ اطْرَحِيهِ اطْرَحِيهِ فَإِنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- كَانَ إِذَا رَأَى نَحْوَ هَذَا قَضَبَهُ
"We used to berthowaf in the Ka'bah with Ummul Mukminin (Aisha), then he saw a woman wearing a burdah with a cross. Ummul Mukminin then said, "Release the cross. Release the cross. Really the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when he saw such a thing, he eliminated it. "(Narrated by Ahmad Shaykh Syu'aib Al Arnauth said that this hadeeth hasan). Ibn Muflih in Al Adabusy Syar'iyyah says, "The cross in clothing and the other is forbidden. Ibnu Hamdan means that the law is forbidden. "

Eighth requirement: the clothing is not a picture of animate beings (humans and animals). The image of the creature also includes jewelry. Thus, this is already included in the bans of test referred to in the second condition above. There are other propositions that support this. From Aisha radhiyallahu 'anha, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam entered my house, then there is a cloth covered with pictures (animate creatures that have a soul, pen). When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam saw it, he immediately changed the color and tore it. After that he said,

إِنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَذَابًا يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ الذِّيْنَ يُشَبِّهُوْنَ ِبخَلْقِ اللهِ
"Truly the most violent man of his torment on the Day of Resurrection is the one who likes the creation of Allah." (Narrated by Ibn Abi Shyaibah and this is the lafazh.) This hadith is also narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, An Nasa'i and Ahmad)
The ninth requirement: the clothing comes from a sacred and halal material.

The tenth requirement: the clothes are not the pride dress.

Eleventh requirement: the dress is not a waste of clothing.

The twelfth requirement: not clothing that matches ahlu bid'ah clothes. Such as require wearing black clothes when the unfortunate as did the Shi'i Rofidhoh to their women while in the month of Muharram. Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said that such an imperative is a syi'ar vanity with no foundation.

May Allah grant us all in obeying His commandments and avoiding every prohibition of Him.

Siklus pasang surut dapat membantu memprediksi letusan gunung berapi

Siklus pasang surut dapat membantu memprediksi letusan gunung berapi

Tepat sebelum ledakan dahsyat gunung berapi Ruapehu Selandia Baru pada tahun 2007, gempa seismik di dekat kawahnya berkorelasi erat dengan perubahan dua bulanan kekuatan kekuatan pasang surut, sebuah penelitian baru menemukan. Penelitian yang dipublikasikan di jurnal Scientific Reports, menunjukkan bahwa sinyal yang terkait dengan siklus pasang surut berpotensi memberikan peringatan lanjutan tentang beberapa jenis letusan gunung berapi.

"Melihat data untuk gunung berapi ini yang mencakup sekitar 12 tahun, kami menemukan bahwa korelasi antara amplitudo gempa seismik dan siklus pasang surut hanya dikembangkan dalam tiga bulan sebelum letusan ini," kata Társilo Girona, penulis utama studi ini. "Apa yang disarankannya adalah bahwa air pasang surut bisa memberi tahu apakah gunung berapi telah memasuki keadaan kritis."

Girona, seorang rekan postdoctoral NASA di Jet Propulsion Laboratory, memimpin penelitian selama pengangkatan postdoctoral di Brown University, bekerja dengan profesor Brown Christian Huber dan Corentin Caudron, seorang peneliti postdoctoral di Ghent University di Belgia.

Pasang surut bumi naik turun setiap hari karena tarikan gravitasi Bulan saat Bumi berputar. Selama Bulan penuh dan baru, tarikan gravitasi bulan bergoyang dengan matahari, yang membuat tonjolan pasang surut setiap hari sedikit lebih besar selama fase Bulan tersebut. Selama bulan pertama dan kuartal ketiga, tonjolan pasang surut setiap hari sedikit lebih kecil. Perubahan dua kali bulanan dalam amplitudo pasang surut kadang disebut gelombang pasang dua minggu. Sementara kita biasanya memikirkan pasang surut dalam hal air yang naik dan turun, tekanan gravitasi ini juga mempengaruhi kerak bumi yang padat di planet ini. Pertanyaan tentang apakah tekanan gravitasi dapat mempengaruhi aktivitas vulkanik sudah berlangsung lama dalam ilmu bumi.

"Banyak penelitian telah difokuskan pada apakah atau tidak kekuatan pasang surut dapat memicu letusan, dan tidak ada bukti pasti apa pun yang mereka lakukan," kata Huber. "Kami ingin mengambil sudut pandang yang berbeda dengan penelitian ini dan melihat apakah ada beberapa sinyal terdeteksi terkait dengan kekuatan pasang surut yang dapat memberi tahu kita sesuatu tentang kekasaran gunung berapi."

Para peneliti memilih untuk mempelajari gunung berapi Ruapehu sebagian karena kegiatannya telah dipantau secara ketat selama bertahun-tahun oleh GNS Science, sebuah lembaga penelitian di Selandia Baru. Gunung ini merupakan daya tarik wisata yang populer dan rumah bagi dua resor ski, sehingga pejabat ingin mengetahui adanya tanda peringatan bahwa itu mungkin akan meletus. Pemantauan tersebut menyediakan kumpulan data yang panjang dan terus menerus bagi para peneliti untuk dipelajari.

Secara khusus, tim tersebut tertarik dengan data sensor seismik yang berada di dekat kawah gunung berapi tersebut. Sensor tersebut mengambil getaran vulkanik, getaran seismik tingkat rendah yang memberikan sinyal aktivitas yang terus-menerus dalam sistem vulkanik. Dengan menggunakan teknik statistik yang canggih, para peneliti menyisir data seismik selama 12 tahun, mencari periode kapan seismisitas berkorelasi dengan siklus lunar. Mereka menemukan bahwa selama hampir 12 tahun itu, tidak ada korelasi antara siklus tremor dan lunar, kecuali beberapa bulan sebelum letusan uap pada 25 September 2007, ketika sebuah korelasi kuat muncul.

Selama tiga bulan itu, amplitudo tremor meningkat dan sedikit pun turun saat mengunci dengan siklus pasang dua minggu. Sementara fluktuasi amplitudo seismik tidak kentara, kekuatan korelasi terhadap siklus pasang surut tidak. Korelasi itu sekuat 5 sigma, kata periset, yang berarti bahwa kemungkinan pola itu muncul secara kebetulan adalah sekitar satu dari 3,5 juta.

Untuk memahami bagaimana kekuatan pasang surut mempengaruhi Ruapehu selama tiga bulan tersebut, para peneliti menggunakan model gempa seismik yang telah mereka kembangkan sebelumnya. Gunung berapi seperti Ruapehu memiliki saluran vertikal yang melaluinya lahar naik, dan steker batu yang kokoh di bagian atas. Gas yang dilepaskan dari lava membentuk saku antara steker berbatu dan kolam lava. Kantong gas itu bisa beresonansi dengan stekernya, yang menciptakan getaran seismik.

Model ini menunjukkan bahwa ketika tekanan kantong gas mencapai tingkat kritis - tingkat di mana letusan uap dimungkinkan - tekanan yang berbeda yang terkait dengan perubahan gaya pasang surut cukup untuk mengubah amplitudo tremor.

"Itulah yang kami pikir sedang terjadi di tahun 2007," kata Huber. "Ketika tekanan dalam sistem menjadi kritis, ia menjadi sensitif terhadap arus pasang surut. Kami dapat menunjukkan bahwa sinyal tersebut dapat terdeteksi."

Tidak ada indikator lain yang biasanya digunakan ahli geologi untuk mengantisipasi letusan yang menimbulkan bendera peringatan pada tahun 2007. Jadi sinyal pasang surut bisa menjadi cara untuk memprediksi letusan berbasis uap, yang jika tidak sulit diprediksi.

"Kami ingin mengumpulkan lebih banyak data dari letusan lain dan gunung berapi lainnya untuk melihat apakah sinyal pasang surut ini muncul di tempat lain," kata Huber. "Kemudian kita bisa mulai berpikir untuk menggunakannya sebagai alat potensial untuk memprediksi letusan di masa depan semacam ini."

Learn Forex Trading for Beginners



1. Understanding forex, forex traders and forex trading.

Forex is a currency exchange one currency with the other. In Indonesian forex is also referred to as Foreign Currency (Forex). In English forex is an abbreviation of two words namely foreign and exchange.
Forex traders are people who do trading in the forex market (forex players).
Forex trading is a sale or purchase transactions conducted on the forex market.

2. Terms to be a forex trader.

To be a forex trader there are several requirements such as capital (in the form of funds), laptop / smartphone, official identity such as ID card, e-mail, mobile phone number and bank savings account. Here are the details of the full requirements:
  • Fund.
Funds needed in the form of capital amount of money. Only $10 you can open a forex account in any forex international trading company. However I recommend to start trading with a minimum capital of $100. Why ? Like you bring a car with money $10 and $100. You can still go to drive a car with just carry the $10 money, but imagine if in the middle of the road your car crashed ??? need enough money that much for repair to the workshop ??? bring more money to keep watch, safety be first!
  • Laptop / smartphone + internet connection.
It is a tool used for trading and must have internet access. As a beginner I recommend to start using a laptop because it has more features than smartphones (Android, Iphone etc).
  • Identity.
Prepare ID cards such as ID, Driver's license, Family Card or other national identities. It is used to register on forex broker (the company where to trade later).
  • E-mail and mobile phone number (not home phone).
Used for registration and verification on forex brokers when you register into a real trader forex.
  • bank account.
Used for depositing and withdrawing funds to the broker. The identity of the savings account here must the same name as the ID .

3. Benefits of forex trading.

There is no limit of profit in forex trading, the more you profit in transactions the greater the benefits you get. You can profit as much as possible either by buying or selling money on the forex market.

4. The advantages of forex trading.

Forex trading has advantages that can be considered in developing funds for you. Some of the common advantages of forex trading are:
  • Cheap.
Although only with little capital you can generate substantial profits. This is because in forex trading there is "LEVERAGE" which allows you to make large transactions with small capital, usually reaches 1: 100 of the capital we have and there are even brokers offering up to 1: 3000.
  • Rousing.
The velocity of money that occurs in the forex market is the largest turnover of money in the world that reached 4 trillion US dollars.
  • Easy.
Just by understanding the basic concepts of trading you can become a forex trader and generate profits of magnitude with your own techniques and analysis. You do not have to be afraid because you do not understand math, nor do you need to be afraid because you do not understand the economy or even you do not understand about technology. Relax, forex trading is very easy to do even for people who are clueless, you also do not have to understand the science and economics in learning it. Why ??? because everyone's great  at affairs the money  ^ _ ^.

5. Concepts and terms around forex.

  • Forex Broker.
Forex broker is an intermediary company that connects traders (forex traders) to make buying and selling currency on futures exchange (market forex).
  • Margin System.
Margin is money used as collateral before making a transaction. A forex trader must have a certain amount of money that has been deposited to the broker as collateral for trading forex.
Trading contract (Unit Lot).
The traded currency is a currency pair, every forex transaction always has a pair of currency pairs (pair). In this case the number of units that have been standardized and used is 1 lot. The standard value of 1 lot is = $ 100,000.
  • Currency Pair.
Every currency traded on forex trading is always in pairs (Pair Currency). Pair is symbolized by the letter symbol. Here's an example and how to read it:
GBPUSD = Great Britain Pound against US Dollar.
EURUSD = EURO Against US Dollar.
AUDUSD = Australian Dollar Income US Dollar.
USDJPY = US Dollar Against Japan Yen.
USDIDR = US Dollar Against Indonesia Rupiah.
XAUUSD = Gold Against US Dollar, and so on.
  • Leverage.
Leverage is the leverage provided by the broker to increase the ability of the amount of funds that can be transacted from the capital we have.
  • Metatrader.
Metatrader is an application that is commonly used forex traders to trade currency on the forex market.
  • Two-way opportunity.
In forex online trading there are 1 advantages and differences that are not owned any trade is the existence of two-way opportunity or in English "two ways opportunity". Two directions include buying and selling action where by utilizing these two directions we can reap the benefits of trading. These benefits can we get in the following way:
Buy at a cheap price then sell at high price = Profit (Profit).
Sell ​​at a cheap price then the price falls to be cheaper = Fortunately (Profit)
Two Way Opportunity Concept
Some of these concepts are things that must be understood by a beginner to be a forex trader. how ... now a little understood is not it?

6. Comparison of ordinary money trading and online forex trading.

Trading ordinary money is a sale and purchase transactions currency one with other currencies. This trade is commonly seen in the money changer.

Example of regular trading (buy money in money changer):
  • You have Rp 13,000,000. then you will buy american dollar with all your money, the usd currency at that time is 13 thousand, then got: 13 million divided by 13 thousand = $ 1,000 USD.
  • This means at the same time you buy USD And sell the existing IDR at the price of 1 USD = Rp.13.000 and get $ 1,000.
  • The next day the rupiah exchange rate becomes USDIDR = 1: 13.100 (1 dollar 14 thousands rupiah) then you sell back all the dollars ($ 1,000) and re-buy the rupiah, and get the money of Rp 13.100.000. This means you buy when the low price sells when the price goes up and earns a profit of Rp 13,100,000 - 13,000,000 = Rp 100,000.
  • Online forex trading trading is an online buying and selling transaction by pledging some funds to forex brokers in order to access the forex market.
Examples of trading on forex trading
  • You have a fund of Rp. 13,000,000 (13 million).
  • You register and open a trading account on a forex broker with 1: 100 leverage.
  • You deposit all funds to a forex broker at a usd 1: 13,000 exchange rate.
  • Once in the broker's process, you will get a trading account for $ 1,000.
  • You have a $ 1000 balance that can be transacted.
  • With that capital you can buy or sell the currency pair (pair) to gain profit from trading.
Well now the question is how can you enter the foreign exchange market and start your first trade?

Each forex broker has an application each of which can be used his client to enter this forex market. But in general, the majority of brokers use an application called metatrader 4 which is used to make a sale and purchase of currency. Whenever and wherever if you connect with internet access you can trade for 5 days a week on the forex market

There are several differences that distinguish between direct currency trading transactions (exchange in money changer) and which is done online. The difference is found in the buying and selling mechanism that is done. In online forex trading, there are trading mechanisms that are different from ordinary trades like brokers, margin systems, two-way opportunities and so on.

Not only that, in the presence of leverage, brokers provide more transaction power than our guarantee balance to transact up to $ 100,000 even if we only have $ 1,000? this is an advantage of leverage in forex trading where 1: 100 means your capital strength to trade to reach 100 times of your funds.

7. How to calculate the advantages of online forex trading.

If in ordinary trade we can calculate the profit directly by summing the difference in buying and selling rates, unlike the case with online forex trading where we must calculate the amount of lot in the first calculation. How to calculate the benefits of this law must be understood by beginners so that you better understand the difference of existing trading mechanisms on forex trading than trading directly in money changer. For more details you can understand the examples below along with the terms of existing trading terms.

Examples of forex trading.

  • You deposit 13 million rupiah to the broker, the exchange rate at that time is 1 $ = RP 1.3000. So the broker will give you MARGIN = (13 million divided by Rp.13.000) ie: $ 1,000 that you can use for trading.
  • Once you have a margin of $ 1,000 then the broker will be an intermediary forwarding your request either to buy or sell an online currency pair using a laptop or smartphone connected to the internet from Monday to Friday.
  • Then you plan to buy a Currency Pair with STANDART CONTRACT, ie buy GBPUSD of 1 Lot. At that time the GBPUSD exchange rate is 1.3100 which means 1 GBP can be redeemed at 1.3100 USD (1 app. 1.3100).
  • By using METATRADER application you buy 1 lot GBPUSD at 1.3100 price exchange. A few hours later the GBPUSD exchange rate has changed to 1.3150 and then you close the buy position. How much profit do you get?

The calculations are:

  • Buy 1 lot at 1.3100 and close at 1.3150.
  • Then in accordance with the formula OPPORTUNITIES 2 DIRECTIONS where buy at a cheap price then sell at expensive price = Fortunately.
  • So the benefits you get are:
  • Profit = Number of Lot of transactions x (open price order increment [buy / sell] - close order)
  • Profit = 1 Lot x (1.3150 minus 1.3100)
  • Profit = 1 Lot x (0.0050)
  • Profit = $ 100,000 x 0.0050
  • Profit = $ 500

how can a $ 1,000 capital gain $ 500 in just a few hours? How can such profits be possible in online forex trading ??? Let's compare the trading profits in money changer and online forex trading.

8. Comparison of profits between buying currency in money changer and online forex trading.

Mathematically on a money trade in money changer if you have $ 1,000 and use it to buy GBP at a rate of GBPUSD of 1.3100 then you will only get GBP of £ 763.35. Do you understand where the figures came from £ 763.35? If you have not, followed this how to calculate it.

How much is earned when redeeming $ 1000 to GBP?
Exchange Rate GBPUSD = 1.3100
This means £ 1 GBP = 1.3100 USD
The question is $ 1000 = How much GBP. ?
Total GBP earned = Amount of fund x (1: 1,3100)
Total GBP earned = $ 1,000 x (1: 1,3100)
Total GBP gained = 1000 x 0.763.35
Total GBP gained = £ 763.35 (GBP)
So with $ 1,000 USD you can trade it for £ 763.35 Pound Sterling (GBP)
When you have as much as $ 1,000 and convert it to a money changer then you will get GBP £ 763.35.

After a few hours the GBPUSD exchange rate changes to 1.3150 and then you swap back the GBP to USD $ in the money changer. Then the profit you get is $ 3.8. Do you understand where $ 3.8 comes from? If you have not followed this how to calculate it.
Profit = (amount of GBP owned) x (exchange rate has changed) - (initial capital)
Profit = £ 763.35 x (1,3150) - ($ 1,000)
Profit = $ 1003.80 - $ 1,000
Profit = $ 3.8
Now you try to compare between trading using margin system and regular trading in the money changer. The profit earned is $ 500 to $ 3.8. far is not it ???

9. Functions and benefits of lot and leverage.

Logically, for $ 1,000 you can only trade it for £ 763.35. In the example above when the exchange rate has changed and exchange exchange (GBP) back into US Dollar (USD) will be earned $ 3.8. Then, why in online forex trading profits earned $ 500 while the capital and exchange rate used is the same?

At point 5 the concept concepts and basic terms about forex trading. You have been taught the amount of Lot, the margin system and also the leverge. Well, these three things that affect why the profits derived from online forex trading is greater than selling and buying directly in the money changer. Below I will explain the function and role of Lot, and the Leverage.

If we buy mineral water then the unit is 1 bottle. if we buy oil at the pump then the unit is liter. and if we buy cigarettes the unit is 1 pack of cigarettes. Well on forex trading units used are lots. Above has been explained that the standard value of 1 lot is 100,000.

A big question mark first when the author knows forex is why only with a capital of $ 1,000 we can afford to buy $ 100,000. With the help of leverage you can buy currency with a larger amount of capital you have. Leverage is a loan fund provided by a broker to make transactions larger than the ability of funds you have. If the forex broker provides 1: 100 leverage that means we have the ability 100 times greater than our funds to make trading.

An example is if we have a balance of $ 1,000 on a broker that gives leverage of 1: 100 then that means the broker gives us the authority to make transactions of $ 1,000 x 100 = $ 100,000. So with this answered already why with a $ 1,000 margin we can make purchases of currency by 1 lot.

Back to the title of this article, I will complete its mission to teach you to be a forex trader in just 1 hour with theory and practice. Maybe you some start to feel bored with the above theory. Relax .. I have completed all the theories that beginners need. In sub sub next material we will do the practice of online trading simulation on demo account by using metatrader 4 application. With this practice of using metatrader 4 then we will more easily understand the mechanism of trading as well as do not have to bother bother to calculate the amount of profit. All transaction activity logs, as well as profits will be instantly visible in real time.

There are various tools used by brokers as online forex trading medium, but in general the majority of brokers use an application called metatrader as trading medium used. Metatrader itself is a trading application created by metaquotes corp and has a feature complete enough to make it easier for traders in trading online. This application we will use to simulate forex trading online.

10. What is a meta trader?

Metatrader or commonly called MT4 is a medium used to perform forex trading applications that can be installed on a laptop or smartphone. By using this MT4 application we can do online forex trading simulation. This application can be downloaded for free here:
Download the metatrader 4 app for pc / laptop.
Download the metatrader app for android.
Download the MT4 app for Iphone.

11. How to install metatrader 4 on the computer.

First, Download the Metatrader 4 application above, Click 2 Times mt4 setup file, it will exit the display as shown below. Check Yes, I agree with all terms of license agreement and select next.

Learn Forex Trading for Beginners
How to Install Metatrader 4 part 1

  • Wait until the download is complete then click finish.

Instal metatrader 4
How to Install Metatrader 4 part 2
  • Metatrader 4 is ready for use.

12. How to open a demo trading account

Open the metatrader 4 app.
Type "metaquote" without the quotation marks in the fields provided and click scan.
How to Open a Trading Demo Account Part 1

  • Click the metaquotes demo then click next.
Trading Demo Account
How to Open a Trading Demo Account Part 3

  • Type in your name, email and mobile phone number. Then click Next. *** You can write any email & hp numbers arbitrarily but the column must be filled.
Trading broker Demo Account
How to Open a Trading Demo Account Part 4
  • Record and save your login and password information then click finish.
open_account_registration forex
How to Open a Trading Demo Account Part 4
  • The metatrader 4 application is ready for use.
demo account trading forex
How to Open a Trading Demo Account Part 5
Once you have downloaded the metatrader application and follow the instructions on how to install it. Metatrader application is ready to be used for the simulation of forex trading, the next step you need to know is how to use the application. Perhaps some of the curious start is not with graphic images and buttons unknown function and how to use them.

Well now I will teach you the working system of this application, empty all your thoughts about all the buttons (do not be considered dizzy others) and JUST FOLLOW INSTRUCTION I GIVE.

Actually there are only two important things you need to know:
1. How to order (sell or buy)
2. How to profit from forex trading.

Are you ready to do this online trading forex trading simulation?

13. How to buy and sell (sell and sell) on metatrader 4.

  • Close 3 window graphs like the image below and leave only 1 window.
How to Buy and Sell Forex part 1
  • Press the tools button on the top left and then select new order or you can do it by pressing the "F9" key on the keyboard.
new order mt4
How to buy and sell forex part 2.
There are 2 buttons that are buy and sell, Buy button is used to buy blue and red Sell button is used to sell. Up here we have learned how to do buy and sell order in metatrader 4. Easy not, to do open order trading we only need to know how to do buy and sell on metatrader.

14. How to benefit from forex trading.

Well now how to get us to benefit from this online trading simulation ??? What we have to do to make a profit. As has been explained in the basic concept above that there are two opportunities to gain profit is the opportunity to gain profit from the position of buy and also from the position sell. 
1. Gain profit from buy position that if we do buy order and price chart move up then we will get profit.
2. Gain profit from sell position that if we do sell order and price chart move down then we will get profit.

15. Forex Trading Simulation with demo account.

Choose the currency you want to trade as shown below. Click the file then select new chart then choose GBPUSD. Here I will provide trading example using GBPUSD pair.

Forex Trading Part Simulation 1
Forex Trading Part Simulation 1
  • Then it will exit display like this then click all circled buttons.
Forex Trading Simulation Part 2
Forex Trading Simulation Part 2
  • Make a buy or sell order order of 1 Lot, In this simulation I give an example to do sell order.
3rd Forex Trading Simulation
3rd Forex Trading Simulation
  • After that will be out notification that your order has been successful.
Forex Trading Simulation Part 4
Forex Trading Simulation Part 4
  • After almost 1 hour GBPUSD pair has moved as much as 10.3 pips (103 pipette). Because the direction of the chart moves down and we take the previous sell position, then we have managed to get profit from forex trading. here's how to see how much profit we get at once I will explain how the calculation.
  • Here's how to calculate how much profit we get and how to calculate it.
Forex Trading Part Simulation 6
Forex Trading Part Simulation 6
In the simulations done above, seen gains obtained for $ 103. Order sell made by 1 Lot managed to get profit because the price move in accordance with the analysis is down to the bottom. It's easier to calculate the benefits with practice than the theory is not it?

After studying:
  • The basic concept of forex trading
  • How to use metatrader (buy and sell pair)
  • And how to get profit on forex trading and calculation.
Surely you will think how the heck how to analyze whether the chart will move up or move down. This will be understood gradually based on your experience flying hours in trading.

Briefly I will explain 2 ways to analyze market price movements that is with technical analysis and fundamental analysis so you can know the direction of movement of currency value. Armed with this analysis you will be ready to face the real forex market when you open a forex trading account in the future.

16. Learn technical analysis.

Technical analysis is one way to analyze currency price movements in the forex market. This technical analysis uses the history of movement in the past to analyze future price movements. The technicalists (traders who use technical analysis) have the slogan "History Repeat It Self" which means that past price movements will be repeated in the future.

This time I will teach you to use one technical indicator that has been tested by many people able to make profit on forex trading that is technical analysis using RSI indicator. Then how does the system work of this indicator as a signal for you to open a buy or sell position?

Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator is one of the indicators of oscillator which is considered quite reliable. Traditionally, the RSI indicator is used to detect overbought and oversold levels, as well as divergences against price movements. But more than that, in fact this indicator can also be used to detect the direction of price movements in trending conditions with a combination of pattern of price movement (pattern), trend line, and indicator Moving Average. These ways are often applied by traders to get the right entry level, or to confirm trend indicators.

Traditional Use of RSI Indicators
Traditional Use of RSI Indicators
Traditional Use of RSI Indicators
The first trader who first recognizes this indicator will tend to use the basic rule as an oscillator. If the RSI line is below level 30 and moving upwards, there is an oversold condition signaled to open a buy position. Conversely, if the RSI line is above the 70 level and moving downwards, it means that the overbought market condition indicates a signal to sell.

17. Learn fundamental analysis.

Fundamental analysis is an analysis that uses economic news related news of a country's economy that impact on the movement of currency. This analysis has a very wide coverage and as a beginner you do not need to know all sorts of aspects of the economy in it. Why is that ? because this will you learn at the higher level of learning forex that is on forex trading curriculum forward. In this fast way of learning forex I will just give examples of news and how to analyze it for easy to understand.

Sample News: When you read the news or watch a television show, there is news that there has been a tsunami in the UK, All the ports and settlements along the coast have been severely damaged. There were many injured locals and the hospital was full of incidents. At the same time there was also news that the singer of some one like you song "adele" who came from England moved home to Indonesia precisely next to my house.

What is the effect of fundamental news on the movement of the pound sterling currency?

The effect is that pound sterling will weaken, one of them is due to the export and import through the sea roads are obstacles so the economy in the UK becomes disrupted. As a result of this, the exchange rate of GBP currency will fall and as a forex trader we will take a position of selling GBP to benefit from the decline in currency value due to this news.

Continue to what effect adele moved home to Indonesia precisely beside my house ???

The effect is I will often hear adele singing loudly until my house so I do not focus on trading. This will cause my economy also disturbed hahahahahaaa .....

Fundamentally, Not only natural disasters will affect the exchange rate of a country's currency. There are many other trigger triggers that can also affect price movements such as interest rates, unemployment rate, a country's labor wage, mining production levels, plantations, agriculture and many other fundamental factors.

If you understand and are able to analyze this, then with forex trading you can channel your talents and abilities in observing the economy of a country and seek opportunities to achieve profits of magnitude.

19. Conclusions

FOREX is a currency trading where there is an exchange rate. To be a FOREX TRADER required some requirements include capital in the form of funds (money), laptop / smartphone, official identity such as ID cards, e-mail, mobile phone number and bank savings account. This is required to register to BROKER so that we can have ACCOUNTS to conduct online forex transactions (TRADING FOREX ONLINE).
Before we can do real forex online trading first we must deposit funds to the broker as a guarantee fund (MARGIN) for SELL BUY TRADE CURRENCY deals using METATRADER application. There are two ways of analyzing price movements, the first being technical and secondly fundamental. With an indicator of the analysis, we will know when it's time to buy and sell a currency pair.
When we buy a pair then the price goes up then we will get a profit, as well as when we sell a pair then the price decreased then we will also benefit. The profit is obtained from the difference between the selling price and the purchase price of the order opened until the order is closed.
 Okay .. hopefully you can understand this article and I think after studying and practicing the tutorial above, you will be able to become a forex trader within one hour. Once you learn to use a demo account and are able to analyze well and have sufficient requirements to become a forex trader then be prepared to plunge into REAL TRADING by using REAL ACCOUNTS.

As the saying goes, ala can be because ordinary. Likewise on forex trading, by getting used to trading you will be able to get profit as much as possible consistently according to your level of ability. Hopefully this Tutorial is useful for beginners.

Peneliti forensik menemukan cara yang lebih akurat untuk memperkirakan usia Jenazah

Peneliti forensik menemukan cara yang lebih akurat untuk memperkirakan usia Jenazah

Peneliti forensik di North Carolina State University telah menemukan cara yang lebih akurat untuk menilai usia seseorang saat meninggal, berdasarkan kepadatan mineral tulang femur. Teknik ini bisa digunakan untuk membantu mengidentifikasi jenazah manusia.

"Teknik saat ini untuk menilai usia seseorang saat meninggal bergantung pada meninjau keausan pada permukaan sendi kerangka," kata Ann Ross, seorang profesor ilmu biologi di NC State dan penulis makalah yang sesuai mengenai pekerjaan itu. "Tapi ada banyak variabilitas di sana, berdasarkan gaya hidup individu dan bagaimana seorang praktisi forensik menafsirkan ciri-ciri kerangka tersebut." Bergantung pada metode yang digunakan, pendekatan saat ini dapat mencantumkan orang yang meninggal pada usia 40-an di mana saja dari 27 sampai 70 tahun.

"Namun, kandungan mineral dan kepadatan tulang bertambah saat kita tumbuh, kemudian menurun pada tingkat yang cukup stabil begitu kita mencapai usia dewasa - menjadikannya sebagai cara yang berpotensi untuk menilai usia," kata Ross.

Saat menggunakan kepadatan mineral tulang untuk menilai usia adalah konsep yang telah ada selama beberapa tahun, tim NC State telah menemukan cara untuk menyempurnakan latihan.

Secara khusus, para peneliti menemukan bahwa menilai kepadatan mineral tulang di leher tulang paha memberikan data sampling terbaik untuk menentukan usia.

Dalam sebuah penelitian yang menilai sisa-sisa 33 pria dan delapan wanita, para peneliti menemukan bahwa kepadatan mineral tulang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan usia dalam batas kesalahan 13 tahun.

"Ini, itu sendiri adalah langkah ke arah yang benar," kata Ross. "Tapi menurut kami metode ini bisa dibuat lebih akurat lagi jika kita dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan ukuran sampel, termasuk lebih banyak wanita dan lebih banyak perwakilan dari setiap kelompok usia."

Para peneliti tidak menemukan perbedaan yang signifikan antara pria dan wanita berdasarkan kepadatan mineral tulang femur. Namun, mereka memang menemukan perbedaan antara jenis kelamin dalam kepadatan tengkorak.

Para periset menganggap tengkorak lebih baik untuk menilai seks karena ini bukan tulang yang mengandung beban, yang berarti ia memiliki kekuatan luar yang lebih sedikit - yang memungkinkan praktisi forensik mendeteksi perbedaan kepadatan mineral tulang yang dihasilkan dari jenis kelamin individu.

"Namun, meski menjanjikan, kami tidak memiliki ukuran sampel yang cukup besar untuk menarik kesimpulan kuat tentang penggunaan kepadatan mineral tulang untuk menentukan jenis kelamin - yang memerlukan penelitian lebih besar," kata Ross.

Butiran Kristal bisa membantu memprediksi letusan gunung berapi

Butiran Kristal bisa membantu memprediksi letusan gunung berapi

Mereka bisa sekecil butiran garam, tapi kristal kecil yang terbentuk jauh di gunung berapi mungkin menjadi kunci peringatan sebelum letusan gunung berapi.

Ahli vulkanologi Universitas Queensland, Dr. Teresa Ubide, mengatakan penelitian tersebut memberikan informasi baru yang dapat menghasilkan evakuasi dan komunikasi peringatan yang lebih efektif.

"Ini bisa menjadi sinyal kabar baik bagi hampir satu dari 10 orang di seluruh dunia yang tinggal di sekitar 100 km dari sebuah gunung berapi yang aktif," katanya.

"Kami belum mencapai '100%' untuk dapat memprediksi letusan gunung berapi, namun penelitian kami merupakan langkah maju yang signifikan dalam memahami proses yang menyebabkan erupsi."

Dr Ubide, dari Sekolah Ilmu Bumi dan Lingkungan UQ, menggunakan teknik laser baru untuk memeriksa komposisi kristal kecil yang terbentuk jauh di dalam gunung berapi.

Kristal diciptakan saat batuan magma - sampai 30 km di bawah gunung berapi mulai bergerak ke atas menuju permukaan bumi.

Kristal dibawa dalam magma yang meletus, terus mengkristal dan berubah komposisi dalam perjalanan menuju permukaan.

"Mereka secara efektif 'merekam' proses yang terjadi jauh di dalam gunung berapi tepat sebelum letusan dimulai," kata Dr Ubide.

"Kami telah menemukan dengan mempelajari kristal-kristal ini di sebuah gunung berapi tertentu, ketika magma baru tiba di kedalaman, hingga 90 persen dari waktu dapat memicu letusan, dan hanya dalam waktu dua minggu."

Dari sini, para ahli vulkanologi berharap dapat mengetahui bagaimana cara memantau gunung berapi dengan lebih baik - misalnya, pada kedalaman yang di bawah tanah untuk mencari tanda-tanda gerakan magma sebelum terjadi letusan.

Dr Ubide mengatakan saat ini sangat sulit untuk memprediksi letusan gunung berapi - sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh letusan di Gunung Agung di Bali, yang dimulai pada bulan November lalu setelah 2 bulan gempa pendahuluan.

"Letusan Bali menyebabkan evakuasi lebih dari 70.000 orang dan menyebabkan gangguan besar dalam lalu lintas udara dan pariwisata, yang mempengaruhi lebih dari 100.000 pelancong," katanya.

"Abu abu vulkanik dan awan gas naik ke ketinggian hingga 4 km di atas puncak dan menghasilkan abu-jatuh di daerah angin sepi.

"Lahar (lumpur) berdampak pada rumah, jalan dan daerah pertanian.

"Setiap gunung berapi berbeda dan membutuhkan pemantauan individu."

Tim Dr Ubide melacak erupsi, pemicu dan skala waktu mereka di Gunung Etna, di Sisilia di Italia, gunung berapi paling aktif di Eropa.

Hasilnya bisa memberikan informasi penting untuk upaya pemantauan vulkanik di masa depan di lokasi tersebut, katanya.

"Kami berencana untuk menerapkan pendekatan yang sama ke gunung berapi lainnya di seluruh dunia, terutama untuk negara-negara tetangga Australia seperti Indonesia dan Selandia Baru," katanya.

Seberapa Cepat Komputer Quantum?

Seberapa Cepat Komputer Quantum?

Selama lima dekade terakhir, prosesor komputer standar semakin cepat. Namun, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, batasan teknologi itu menjadi jelas: Komponen chip hanya bisa menjadi sangat kecil, dan dikemas begitu erat, sebelum tumpang tindih atau hubung singkat. Jika perusahaan terus membangun komputer yang selalu lebih cepat, ada sesuatu yang perlu diubah.

Salah satu kunci harapan untuk masa depan komputasi yang semakin cepat adalah bidang saya sendiri, fisika kuantum. Komputer kuantum diperkirakan akan jauh lebih cepat daripada apa pun yang telah dikembangkan era informasi sejauh ini. Namun, penelitian terbaru saya telah mengungkapkan bahwa komputer kuantum akan memiliki batasan sendiri - dan telah menyarankan cara untuk mengetahui batasannya.

Batas pemahaman

Bagi fisikawan, kita manusia hidup di dunia yang disebut "klasik". Kebanyakan orang menyebutnya "dunia", dan memahami fisika secara intuitif: Melontar bola mengirimkannya dan kemudian turun ke dalam busur yang bisa diprediksi, misalnya.

Bahkan dalam situasi yang lebih kompleks, orang cenderung memiliki pemahaman tidak sadar tentang bagaimana segala sesuatu bekerja. Kebanyakan orang kebanyakan memahami bahwa sebuah mobil bekerja dengan membakar bensin di mesin pembakaran dalam (atau mengeluarkan listrik yang tersimpan dari baterai), untuk menghasilkan energi yang ditransfer melalui roda gigi dan as roda untuk memutar ban, yang mendorong jalan untuk menggerakkan mobil ke depan. .

Di bawah hukum fisika klasik, ada batasan teoritis untuk proses ini. Tapi mereka tidak realistis tinggi: Misalnya, kita tahu bahwa mobil tidak akan pernah bisa melaju lebih cepat daripada kecepatan cahaya. Dan tidak peduli berapa banyak bahan bakar di planet ini, atau berapa banyak jalan raya atau seberapa kuat metode konstruksi, tidak ada mobil yang mendekati 10 persen kecepatan cahaya.

Orang tidak pernah benar-benar menemukan batasan fisik dunia yang sebenarnya, namun ada, dan dengan penelitian yang tepat, fisikawan dapat mengidentifikasi mereka. Sampai saat ini, meskipun, para ilmuwan hanya memiliki gagasan yang agak kabur bahwa fisika kuantum juga memiliki batasan, namun tidak tahu bagaimana cara mengetahui bagaimana penerapannya di dunia nyata.

Ketidakpastian Heisenberg

Fisikawan menelusuri sejarah teori kuantum kembali ke tahun 1927, ketika fisikawan Jerman Werner Heisenberg menunjukkan bahwa metode klasik tidak bekerja untuk benda-benda yang sangat kecil, kira-kira seukuran atom individu. Saat seseorang melempar bola, misalnya, mudah menentukan dengan tepat di mana bola itu berada, dan seberapa cepat pergerakannya.

Tapi seperti ditunjukkan Heisenberg, itu tidak berlaku untuk atom dan partikel subatomik. Sebagai gantinya, seorang pengamat dapat melihat ke mana letaknya atau seberapa cepat pergerakannya - tapi keduanya tidak pada saat bersamaan. Ini adalah realisasi yang tidak nyaman: Bahkan dari saat Heisenberg menjelaskan idenya, Albert Einstein (antara lain) merasa tidak nyaman dengannya. Penting untuk disadari bahwa "ketidakpastian kuantum" ini bukanlah kekurangan peralatan pengukuran atau rekayasa, melainkan bagaimana otak kita bekerja. Kami telah berevolusi untuk menjadi terbiasa dengan bagaimana "dunia klasik" bekerja bahwa mekanisme fisik sebenarnya dari "dunia kuantum" berada di luar kemampuan kita untuk sepenuhnya memahami.

Memasuki dunia kuantum

Jika sebuah objek di dunia kuantum berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, para periset tidak dapat mengukur dengan tepat kapan ia meninggalkannya atau kapan akan tiba. Batas-batas fisika memberlakukan penundaan kecil untuk mendeteksinya. Jadi tidak masalah seberapa cepat gerakan tersebut benar-benar terjadi, maka tidak akan terdeteksi sampai sedikit kemudian. (Panjang waktu di sini sangat kecil - kuadriliun satu detik - tapi tambahkan lebih dari triliunan perhitungan komputer.)

Keterlambatan itu secara efektif memperlambat kecepatan potensial perhitungan kuantum - ini memaksakan apa yang kita sebut "batas kecepatan kuantum".

Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, penelitian, yang telah disumbangkan kelompok saya secara signifikan, telah menunjukkan bagaimana batas kecepatan kuantum ini ditentukan dalam kondisi yang berbeda, seperti menggunakan berbagai jenis bahan di medan magnet dan listrik yang berbeda. Untuk masing-masing situasi ini, batas kecepatan kuantum sedikit lebih tinggi atau sedikit lebih rendah.

Yang mengejutkan semua orang, kami bahkan menemukan bahwa kadang-kadang faktor tak terduga dapat membantu mempercepat segala sesuatunya, dengan cara yang berlawanan.

Untuk memahami situasi ini, mungkin berguna untuk membayangkan sebuah partikel bergerak melalui air: Partikel tersebut memindahkan molekul air saat ia bergerak. Dan setelah partikel itu bergerak, molekul air dengan cepat mengalir kembali ke tempat semula, tidak meninggalkan jejak bagian dari partikel tersebut.

Sekarang bayangkan partikel yang sama berjalan melalui madu. Madu memiliki viskositas lebih tinggi daripada air - ini lebih tebal dan mengalir lebih lambat - jadi partikel madu akan memakan waktu lebih lama untuk bergerak kembali setelah partikel bergerak. Tapi di dunia kuantum, aliran madu yang kembali bisa membangun tekanan yang mendorong partikel kuantum ke depan. Akselerasi ekstra ini bisa membuat batas kecepatan partikel kuantum berbeda dari perkiraan pengamat.

Merancang komputer kuantum

Karena peneliti lebih mengerti tentang batas kecepatan kuantum ini, akan mempengaruhi bagaimana pengerjaan prosesor komputer kuantum. Sama seperti para insinyur menemukan bagaimana cara mengecilkan ukuran transistor dan mengemasnya lebih dekat pada chip komputer klasik, mereka memerlukan beberapa inovasi cerdas untuk membangun sistem kuantum tercepat, beroperasi sedekat mungkin dengan batas kecepatan tertinggi.

Ada banyak hal yang peneliti ingin saya jelajahi. Tidak jelas apakah batas kecepatan kuantum begitu tinggi sehingga tidak terjangkau - seperti mobil yang bahkan tidak akan mendekati kecepatan cahaya. Dan kita tidak sepenuhnya mengerti bagaimana elemen tak terduga di lingkungan - seperti madu di contoh - dapat membantu mempercepat proses kuantum. Karena teknologi yang berbasis pada fisika kuantum menjadi lebih umum, kita perlu mencari tahu lebih banyak tentang di mana batas fisika kuantum, dan bagaimana merancang sistem yang memanfaatkan keuntungan terbaik dari apa yang kita ketahui.