
Honey Behavior Philosophy Motivation in life

There are things we can observe from the attitude of bees in life, including :

Bee food is a flower essence

From the beginning until now, bees always eat the sweet flower essence. This gives us the inspiration to always eat a good and clear food halal. Halal both the substance, and how to get it.

When the Bee eats, it benefits

When the Bees take the essence of flowers directly or
not bees help pollinate Flowers.
It gives us inspiration when we do everything working or otherwise, we must be as useful as possible to others.

Nothing bees produced except honey

HONEY BEHAVIOR PHILOSOPHYFrom valuable materials will be produced a valuable product as well. So it is with bees, nothing it produces except honey. Bee honey is very sweet and contains many benefits for health and medicine. Because of the excess of bees that can produce this honey, God to immortalize it in the holy book.
This gives us the inspiration to not produce anything in life except the precious and beneficial for the people.

Bee hive

honeybees create a storage area with a hexagonal shape. an effective form of storage is embedded with other geometric shapes. bees use a form that allows them to store honey in the maximum amount using the least material. the mathematician was amazed when he knew the exact calculation of bees.
another amazing aspect is the way communication between bees is hard to believe. after finding the source of food, the guide bee in charge of finding flowers for making honey fly straight to the nest. he informed the bee bees in the corner of the food source from their nest with a special dance. after careful attention to the motion signals in the dance, finally the other bees know the position of the food source, and are able to find it without difficulty.
bees use a very interesting way when building their nests start building nests. they begin to build cell cells where honey is stored from different angles in the end they meet in the middle. after work is over, there is no harmony or patchwork on the cell. humans are incapable of making perfect designs without geometric calculations.

Bee Solidarity

When the bee is disturbed then he and a swarm of bees will sting his enemy at the risk of losing his life, because by stinging his enemy he will open the poison that is in his body, when the needle bee is left behind in his enemy, the poison inside his body is open and the poison spreads in his body, poison yourself, then die. That means in human life each other protect each other. As we live must unite and help each other, to be sturdy and prosperous. Fight together, and protect each other together despite loss of life. Like our heroes when expelling the invaders and finally Indonesia's independence. Unite us firmly ....

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