
Nature Friendly - Islamic Religion


Is to worship God, the purpose of human creation. That is by becoming a khalifah (representative of Allah) on earth. Which means that the responsibility for the preservation of the earth and the universe is in the hands of man.

So great God created this world. Perfect until there is no gap that makes man able to match it. Water, the air and the land and the living beings sheltering within it, are specially destined for us, human beings as partners to serve Him. That is, humans must be friendly with nature, not busy exploiting it for personal gain.

In this case, Allah Almighty has warned not to corrupt the earth after Allah created it (Qs al-A'raf [7]: 56). That is, there are indeed a group of humans who have been despotic to the earth and nature. Flash floods, landslides, drastic climate change, a variety of pollution, until the clean water crisis was a proof of the destruction of nature.

On the contrary, God's reward when man prosperes nature by faith and piety, is the deriving of blessings from heaven and earth (Qs al-A'raf [7]: 96).

Earth and nature will be a 'paradise' for human survival. To be a merciful grace for the descendants of Adam.

Surely we can reflect on the history of the ancient people, how nature is subject only to God. The flood in the days of Noah, is proof that nature will fight against the unbelievers. Or the Red Sea happy to spread the way for Prophet Musa and his followers when chased by Pharaoh. Surely nature and all that also glorify and obey Allah (QS al-Jumu'ah [62]: 1). Logically, a Muslim certainly will not hurt other beings (nature), even he (the Muslims) will make him a friend to be together to serve his God.

Learning from Nature

"Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs (greatness of God) to the intelligent" (Qs Ali Imran [190]: 190). This verse clearly tells the human race to pay attention and contemplate the universe. Taking and drawing on the wisdom that is behind it.

Nature Friendly - Islamic Religion
Learning istiqomah for example, nature is always consistent in its task. The hydrological cycle (water) starts from the rainwater that the earth absorbs, then evaporates into the air into clouds, and returns to rain. And so on, always consistent. Unfortunately, there is now a lot of cemented land, or the river is filled with garbage so that the water cycle becomes disturbed. As a result, ground water supplies are running low. The survival of human life is threatened.

Nature also teaches the importance of cooperation. Ants for example, always live hand in hand, put aside ego, work according to job (division of task). Or mutually beneficial inter-animal symbiosis, such as buffalo with birds. Although different species (types), there is an agreement between them to synergize, optimize the benefits gained.

And there are many more valuable lessons from every interaction we have with nature. For is not there not a single creation on earth in vain? So, keep knowing, reveal the beauty of the universe to be more fair to him (nature).

Maintaining Nature

Nature Friendly - Islamic ReligionThere are many things that we can do to preserve nature. For example, doing reforestation (greening). Some hadith explains that planting a tree is a worship that will continue to be rewarded. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) in a narration said, if the end of the world has arrived, in your hands there is still the seeds of dates that need to be planted, do not hesitate, immediately plant. Therefore, start from our home and our immediate environment. Also provide land for water absorption, so the availability of water can be consistently maintained.

Throwing the garbage in place, may be a slogan that we are very memorized. However, in practice it has not been optimally done. There should be mass awareness for TSP (Hold from littering, Keep the garbage in place, and Pick up the garbage that is around). The simple concept that is often evoked by Aa Gym is, actually the real thing we can do.

Alternatively, make savings, minimize the use of electrical energy, fuel, or any products that come from nature. At least, by consuming sufficiently, it gives time for nature to recover its resources. So that it can last longer, in order to be used our children and grandchildren later.

In addition, environmental love education should also be taught from an early age to the children. Perhaps this is the thing that escapes attention. Yet if we reflect, the earth and the universe, have been inherited since Adam and Eve, and will be cast into future generations. We certainly hope, they (future generations) will enjoy this beautiful nature. So, invite our descendants to become friends of nature. Loving and benefiting from nature without destructing and confusing.

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